Saturday, October 20, 2018

a friend died

I started to post this in 2015. But didn't. But in September of 2015, the death toll by suicide passed the number of deaths in combat zones in the two units I deployed with in the wars since 2001. Just sayin.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Bad Rodney?

Late, drinking, and thinking. I think it's time Bad Rodney came back. Now, a lot of people know me from specific time frames, and, honestly, different Rodneys. I'm not talking about the "Pub mean guy" that was most of my tenure at The Pub in Athens Ohio (world's second greatest pub behind "The Split Crow" in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada you fucking twat waffles), but the last two years I worked there, not an act, just fucking hating every air pirate on the planet. Then I went to Iraq and centered myself. Might be time for that Rodney to come back, because of all the Goddamn self-centered pettiness that has taken over. Think of someone other than yourself, try to think critically about the things that happen around you, and make decisions to make this better. Too many narcissistic self-centered twatwaffles making decisions that affect you, pay attention. Everything you do affects people around you. KNOW THIS. The "not here for a long time just a good time" holds the same weight as " kill them all, let God sort them out". No matter your age, please, have a good time and enjoy yourself. But realize that everything you do, no matter how small, affects someone else. Unless you Antifa. Which are the most fascists assholes on the planet. Bring your black block to me bitchs, I'm going to Valhalla regardless. Beware the old man who lived in a world where men die young. This message is sponsored by Grammarly because I am drunk.